Sunday, November 20, 2011


DIB India Govt. officer P. Bhuttiya Bhaktinagar, Dist Jalpaiguri Communication to me Present at attach document document(11).pdf file. Yet I didn't receive Police DIARY no., I had made Police case OCT, 2009. How this case is diverting Nothing but a Artistic Characteristic DRAMA from origin against Pakistan SIMI Terrorist Directorate Riyad Rasheed CEO of dWise Solution Bangalore India.

I went DIB Bhaktinagar Office Dist: Jalpaiguri, Siliguri and submitted complain against of SIMI Terrorist Directorate Riyad Rasheed CEO of Dwise Solution Bangalore at June 2011 & 5th Nov 2011, But when I asked them give me a complain received acknowledgement – answer was very funny, we won’t give any complain receive acknowledgement to any victim from DIB Bhaktinagar Office. This type answer I am getting from OCT 2009 to till today mean from 2 years back.

Kindly expecting to know what necessary action has been taken against TERRORIST Directorate Riyad Rasheed CEO of dWise Solution, Bangalore INDIA -


How Pakistan SIMI Terrorist directorate involve innocent guys through continuous REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING Monitoring as following -

Wherever the REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING tracked human going somewhere, They send some RUBBISH Guys to make violation and try to involve the innocent guys, Tremendous Continuous 24/7 hours Harassment.

Supratik saha

Forwarded to everyone same information -

The Superintendent of Police,
Bangalore Urban district
Subject: Please make the DIARY against of Riyad Rasheed (CEO of dWise Solution, Bangalore,
India – Pakistan SIMI Terrorist Directorate in INDIA) and I am expecting DIARY no.
as soon as possible.
With most respect and humble to sate that I am Supratik Saha, a victim of Pakistan SIMI TERRORIST Directorate Indian citizenship Riyad Rasheed’s continuous psychological bio-telemetry provoking threat harassment brain washing is spoiling my Self study preparation, Career, Valuable time & my personal Life till today. I have some question to you, I started to make case against of him at Bangalore kamakeya Police station oct,2009; they had taken my FIR but didn’t make DIARY & didn’t give acknowledgement hard copy to me. He threats me; attempt to murder me at Bangalore by his paid person on my PG House at Oct, 2009. So I left the Bangalore and came back at Siliguri, W.B. He has made fear in my Software Profession through his paid TERRORIST RACKET at Bangalore. I had informed you also at March 2010 after long time run behind on Police station to make DIARY against of him. Why yet I didn’t get DIARY No. And Why Police is not arresting the Pakistan SIMI Terrorist Directorate Riyad Rasheed (CEO of dWise Solution, Bangalore, India). I think you know that USA again asking INDIA Administration why the two countries signed the Counter terrorism Cooperative Initiative. I don’t want to disturb again our Honorable Prime Minister & Honorable President of India or American Embassy Delhi to forward this same information to solve this case soon. Sir Kindly take necessary action soon against of Pakistan SIMI TERRORIST Directorate Riyad Rasheed, and expecting to see him in INDIA custody in near future to stop all vulnerable confidential TERRORISM like Mumbai attack again july,2010 through his RACKET Terrorist team members & Please release me form his REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING’s continuous psychological bio-telemetry provoking threat and harassment. Please make the DIARY against of him and I am expecting DIARY no. as soon as possible.
Thanking you.
Supratik Saha
Software Engineer and Electronics & Comm. Engg.
Email Id: supratik_slg@yahoo.co.in, rajib.bng@gmail.com
My Passport no: F8179064
My PAN Card No: BLYPS1089K
Mobile no: +91-9733023310
Ex-Software Employee of SONY, AdDate(PSC), SAMSUNG, dWise Solution -BANGALORE, INDIA.
My Permanent Address as following – To, Supratik saha, C/O - Subal ch.saha, Sukantanagar(North), P.O.-Rabindra sarani, Dist - Jalpaiguri,Siliguri, Siliguri, Pin-734006,West Bengal, INDIA.

All transparent report will give how BOMB BLAST happened in mumbai july 2011 through Pakistan SIMI terrorist directorate RIYAD RASHEED CEO of dWise Solution, bangalore using REMOTE SENSING & REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING, it's shocking. Check http://fight-against-terrorist-india.blogspot.com. Please forward to mumbai SP. It's really shocking after again mumbai bomb blast, why india honorable govt. Administration don't arrest the main Terrorist directorate RIYAD RASHEED, spreading his RACKET TERRORIST Team rapidly within in INDIA to Spoil & Kill Indian only.
Supratik Saha

Till PAKISTAN TERRORIST DIRECTORATE Riyad Rasheed harassing me diffent diffent way by some CORRUPTED INDIA Govt. Employees also

Today date: 10/7/2011 at 12 pm, Two DIB person came in my Home and harass my father & my Family beacuse I am working against of TERRORISM in INDIA. And He told that SIMI is not TERRORIST organization. The DIB Person name is Samir Kumar Das, Asst. sub. Inspector, Bhaktinagar, Dist: Jalpaiguri. See how I have been harassed to disclose the matter against PAKISTAN TERRORIST DIRECTORATE indian citizenship Riyad Rasheed CEO of dWise Solution, Bangalore, India.

HONORABLE INDIA Administration real view about/against SIMI TERRORIST: SIMI has been banned by the Indian government in 2001, soon after 9/11 incident and declaration of "War on Terror" by U.S. Govt, for its alleged involvement in terrorist attacks in India. Its been labelled a terrorist organisation by the administrations in India and U.S. In August 2008, a special tribunal lifted the ban on SIMI, after the long review process.

Then how PAKISTAN TERRORIST DIRECTORATE Riyad Rasheed is doing all vulnerable CRIMINAL activity in INDIA confidentially by using name SIMI TERRORIST and using REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING?

Riyad Rasheed is making a big conspiracy plan to make WAR/collision between HUNDU & MUSLIM socity in INDIA using continuous psychological bio-telemetry broadcast of REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING.

Main HIDDEN TERRORIST Threat for every country & Reputed Companies in INDIA is Riyad Rasheed (CEO of dWise Solution, Bangalore, INDIA – Main TERRORIST DIRECTORATE in INDIA)

Only for one main Pakistan TERRORIST Indian citizenship Riyad Rasheed (CEO of dWise Solution Bangalore), every intelligent govt. & private organization scolding, Riyad Rasheed’s psychological provoking bio-telemetry broadcast spoiling reputation of all great reputed companies like SONY, SAMSUNG, AdDate, DELL, TCS, MOTOROLA, WIPRO, Reliance etc are Terrorist organization & scolding USA CIA, Pakistan ISI, Honorable India Administration etc. And Riyad Rasheed is doing all confidential TERRORISM PRE-PLAN for India and USA. Using his own REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING & REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGY & His own paid TERRORIST RACKET worldwide for TERRORISM and All vulnerable CRIMINAL ACTIVITY worldwide.

Ø Riyad Rasheed’s own RACKET Team in India is growing rapidly and coming under his REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING - Neural Network comm.(Confidential Bio-Telemetry Communication)

Ø Riyad Rasheed is Provoking through psychological bio-telemetry broadcast to lot of people in INDIA about other reputed companies like SONY, SAMSUNG, AdDate, TCS, WIPRO, DELL, SMU(Sikkim Maniple University), NIIT etc are TERRORIST organization.

Ø Riyad Rasheed is Provoking through psychological bio-telemetry broadcast that ISI, CIA, INDIA & USA Honorable administration is doing all TERRORISM Conspiracy.

Ø Riyad Rasheed is provoking through psychological bio-telemetry broadcast that India Defense Govt. Link with TERRORIST Group and mainly they are doing all TERRORISM in INDIA.

Ø Riyad Rasheed is a great HIDDEN TERRORIST THREAT for every country in WORLD.

Ø To prove this & to get transparent information put the MAIN HIDDEN TERRORIST DIRECTORATE in INDIA Riyad Rasheed(CEO of dWise Solution, Bangalore) UNDER "BRAIN MAPPING" - It will be main prove.

Main pakistan hidden TERRORIST DIRECTORATE Riyad Rasheed CEO of dWise Solution Bangalore present in INDIA http://fight-against-terrorist-ceo.blogspot.com/

Riyad Rasheed's (CEO of dWise Solution, Bangalore) Confidential TERRORISM/ illegal Prostitution directorate in INDIA, BLACK MONEY CONTROLER Pakistan TERRORIST using “REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING”.
How Pakistan TERRORIST Riyad Rasheed(CEO of dWise Solution, Bangalore) Provoking INDIAN against of Honerable INDIA Administration to make violation in INDIA
How Pakistan TERRORIST Riyad Rasheed harassing/Provoking INDIAN against of Honorable INDIA Administration & about others reputed person to make violation in INDIA through INDIAN very confidential way using his REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING. He spoil all Examination preparation & everything through bio-telemetry harassment, Similar way INDIAN is becoming under his RACKET TERRORIST Team else he spoil them same way - Meaning force fully (REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING) he is doing everything & his black money & his paid RACKET Terrorist team in INDIA.

Please check the following URL:
Riyad Rasheed is using ‘Psychotronic’ Weapons - REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING - RADAR" "psychotronic" brainwashing techniques victims are psychologically disturbed for his all vulnerable CRIMINAL ACTIVITY in INDIA. Very Confidential World War Conspiracy, Huge Fraud, Prostitution Business, Assassination, Pre-planned Rape, Blackmail, smuggling, Mental Disorder, Kidnapping, Harassment, Confidential Corruption by Riyad Rasheed(CEO OF DWISE SOLUTION, BANGALORE, INDIA) in INDIA using REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING - REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING and Destroying all witness/ Prove by this Machine Remotely very very confidential way. Mumbai bomb blast and all terrorism in INDIA have been Directorate by RIYAD RASHEED ‘Pakistan terrorist’ leader using REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING. His one TERRORIST team is SIMI Terrorist group in INDIA, He is sitting at Long distance to hide himself and doing all TERRORISM activity communication through REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING Bio-Telemetry to Control his TERRORIST group to directorate them very confidential way. Riyad Rasheed's WIFE also send SEXUAL Psychological Bio-Telemetry for SEXUAL harassment, Riyad Rasheed WIFE generally use very Slang Language at SEXUAL Psychological Bio-Telemetry. I had send E-Mail/Reg. Post directly to Riyad Rasheed, His WIFE and all INDIA Administration (PM, CM, President of INDIA, Supreme Court of INDIA, CIA-USA, FBI-USA, Police etc) that whatever they are telling to me through bio-telemetry REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING - those words are too much vulgar and I unable to say, but yet they are not leaving me from Riyad Rasheed's Psychological Bio-Telemetry & His WIFE Reena's SEXUAL Psychological Bio-Telemetry for SEXUAL harassment till today. Because I had publish & Inform all India Administration that Riyad Rasheed is Pakistan Terrorist/ Confidential Prostitute Business dealer - who was directorate of MUMBAI BOMB BLAST at 2008, all other TERRORISM in INDIA Directorate, Creator of TERRORIST & PROSTITUTE through REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING 'Psychotronic' Weapons etc. He spread rumors to make violation in our country through Psychological Bio-Telemetry REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING; It is all too threat for our all INDIA administration MINSTERS like PM, CM etc. Riyad Rasheed's another way of utilization this technology to select our MINISTERS also – bio-telemetry fraud information broadcast & to control them through Psychological bio-telemetry REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING, spread rumors through Psychological bio-telemetry for ENVIRONMENT VIOLATION. Riyad Rasheed's SIMI Terrorist guys are controlling by his BLACK MONEY which is coming from his all illegal business/ TERRORISM. Selection in INDIA GOVT. JOB is also his another illegal business to get BIG PROFIT and they will be work under him, Pre-Plan way to leak the Govt. Employment papers or select guys in INDIA Govt. sector (Like IAS, WBCS, IPS, IES etc) using REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING to break the Privacy of all Secret Information of INDIA. So within short time INDIA will be ORIGIN of TERRORISM and Creator of all TERRORISM Riyad Rasheed's REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING. Already INDIA Govt. Caught of BIGEST SCAM in INDIA 2G Spectrum which is nothing but REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING Bio-Telemetry electromagnetic signal communication - NEURAL NETWORK (Using for communication to Human Brain and Machine Directly - BREAK THE PRIVECY OF HUMAN Like ATM pin code, Question Paper, Own Research Papers etc), Supreme Court of INDIA declare BRAIN MAPPING illegal at May,2010.
The Riyad Rasheed (Pakistan Terrorist Leader) and Similar like TERRORIST BACK GROUND LEADER Guys Like KANCHANA GOPINATH (Ex-DRDO employee Currently working in SONY INDIA Pvt. Ltd. SARD) etc are creating some great TERRORIST Like Dawood Ibrahim, TERRORIST REGIME and after then utilize those INNOCENT guys (Like Dawood Ibrahim ) for their own PROFIT using ' Psychotronic' Weapons" "psychotronic" brainwashing techniques - victims are psychologically disturbed "REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING - BIO-TELEMETRY".
Riyad Rasheed's (CEO of dWise Solution, Bangalore) Confidential TERRORISM/ illegal Prostitution Business Dealer in INDIA ADDRESS as following:
in INDIA )
dWise Solution and services Pvt. Ltd., [ Riyad Rasheed using remote sensing technology for terrorism in
No. 91, Nazara, 5th Main Road,
Domlur II Stage, Bangalore 560 071,
Ph. No. 91-80-42693111,
Website: www.dwisesolutions.com
This the concepts of Biomedical Engineering to decode Brain Wave of Human Being Remotely tracking individual Human Body unique bio-electromagnetic filed to make bidirectional audio-visual communication to the individual Human Body. This technology related to also 2G spectrums Scam in INDIA - Misuse of Great Innovative technology by this type CRIMINAL for his own profit and his own interest. I am victim of his REMOTE BRAIN MAPPNG provoking psychological bio-telemetry 24/7 hour’s basis. It is enough to spoil anyone's valuable time and their career to make mental disorder. I left his Company 1.5 years back but he is not leaving me by his provoking harassing psychological bio-telemetry 24/7 hours basis to spoil me - Because I had disclosed his all vulnerable CRIMINAL activity by REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING 1.5 years back oct,2009.
Example: To make it more clear understanding of RBM, Each and every mobile emit different frequency according to unique SIM Card no. in mobile. Similar each human bodies have unique Bio-Electromagnetic field, to track individual human body to make psychological audio-visual communication through wireless Electromagnetic signal is nothing but REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING. Human body thought, idea, concepts, privacy etc generally break by this wireless technology remotely through REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING.
1. Terrorism Terrorist - All Terrorism in INDIA like Bomb Blast, Train accident etc, Plane Hijack everything is controlling by wireless signal(Electromagnetic Wave) – so take the operator controller of all responsible guys under “REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING” to control them through ‘psychological’ Bio-Telemetry threat/blackmail/provoking or corrupted guys remotely.
- Confidential Threat through Brian Mapping Bio-Telemetry
2. Prostitution Business
- Girl’s Personality disorder through ‘ psychological’ Bio-Telemetry of Remote Brain Mapping 24/7 Hours Basis, very confidential way wireless “Remote Brain Mapping”
3. Kidnapping
- Human Body track everywhere in INDIA “This neural network present everywhere on INDIA to track individual human body through their unique bio-electromagnetic field to decode their brain to know their movement”.
4. Blackmail
- Break the human privacy like Career Plan/Personal Work/Break self-confidence through ‘psychological’ Bio-Telemetry, very confidential threat by “REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING” bio-telemetry.
5. Assassination
- Break the privacy of Human Life and track the 24/7 Hours their movement where they are moving and doing, and all future plan of Human Life – So, Death of individual Human tracking body of “Remote Brain Mapping” become very confidential.
6. Mental Disorder
- ‘Psychological’ Bio-Telemetry of Remote Brain mapping 24/7 Hours Basis makes mental disorder.
- Somebody harassing by this ‘psychological’ Bio-Telemetry of “REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING” 24/7 hours and very few people now about this technology full feature. So those guys identified as MAD. Because this technology is very tough to understand by non technical guys without knowledge of “WIRELESS ELECTROMAGNETIC SIGNAL COMMUNICATION”.
7. Smuggling
- Smugglers are tracking by “REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING” so all information they are getting very confidential way through bio-telemetry front of everyone Mean very confidential communication.
8. Confidential Corruption
- To know any officers or High position guys brain/ thinking etc through their BRAIN WAVE mean to break their privacy, and change their mental psychology by 24/7 hours basis psychological bio-telemetry to CORRUPT them.
9. Huge Fraud - To provoke anyone very confidential way by
Remote Brain Mapping” Bio-Telemetry.
- All prestigious INDIA competition exams. (IAS, WBCS, IPS, IES etc) Set book by REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING, CORRUPTION.
10. Harassment - Provoking/Wrong Information/ ‘Psychological’ Bio-
Telemetry By Remote Brain Mapping”. To take preparation for any examination requires lot of concentration that is breaking by bio-telemetry of “REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING” not only that Written Test exam. Time is limited, ‘Psychological’ Bio-Telemetry spoil the test time that can’t clear the test. Everything is very confidential/ Hidden because very few people know about this technology in INDIA and this technology full feature never published in any news or written any book clear way (Brain Wave Decoding – “REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING – REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING” – NURAL NETWORK). Eve teasing by “Remote Brain Mapping” Bio-Telemetry.
When anybody enter in any big organization (for me Like Sony India Pvt. Ltd), they take medical check their have one test is called EEGs (A graphical record of electrical activity of the brain; produced by an electroencephalograph) Test. So, Company gets the employee unique bio-electromagnetic field record to track them anywhere in INDIA through wireless electromagnetic signal to decode their brain wave to know their privacy and all instant brain thought/Their Condition/ Movement/ Idea/Activity etc (Neural Network - 2G Spectrum, Neural Network spread over all INDIA to track any human body anywhere INDIA ) and to make bio-telemetry communication using REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING.
Name: Riyad Rasheed (CEO of dWise Solution, Bangalore) is a Confidential Prostitute Business/ Pakistan TERRORIST Leader using REMOTE BARIN MAPPING to give direction (Bio-Telemetry Communication) to his TERRORIST Team from long distance to HIDE HIMSELF.
Then how he is getting lot of BLACK MONEY to handle a big TERRORIST Team and to give direction to his TERRORIST Team Members/ sleeping module to make violation and to give threat to our COUNTRY INDIA?
All BLACK MONEY is coming to him by all illegal very confidential business through bio-telemetry REMOTE BRAINN MAPPING like (illegal Conspiracy, Huge Fraud, Prostitution Business, Assassination, Pre-planned Rape, smuggling, Blackmail).He is doing all directorate TERRORISM activity from long distance through bio-telemetry REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING.
Similar work is doing one lady Name: Kanchana Gopinath (Manager of SONY INDIA. Pvt. Ltd).
Question is how I know those entire things about them?
I worked at SONY and dWise Solution at Bangalore. I had given Resign from my Last COMPANY dWise Solution at October, 2009. Yet they are harassing me 24/7 hours through Proving Harassing Psychological Bio-telemetry of REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING. Because I had disclose their HIDDEN Technology REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING all feature and Technical Design/Architecture. So they are trying to make me mental disorder and want to spoil my valuable time of my career, and they are breaking my finance that this CRIMINAL ACTIVITY report should not publish worldwide by 24/7 hours Harassment Psychological Bio-telemetry of REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING.

All Companies where I worked at BANGALORE, INDIA - Full Address As Following:
Companies Name

Companies Address

Sony India Private Limited(Dept. SARD)

Sony India Private Limited,
Sony India Software Centre,
Software Architecture Division,
First Floor, East Wing,
Maruthi Info Tech Centre, Koramangala Inner Ring Road, Bangalore – 560071, INDIA
Tel : 91-80-6624-7000, Fax: 91-80-6624 7250

Professional Software Consultants (Register in USA as AdDate-www.AdDate.com)

Professional Software Consultants (Register in USA as AdDate-www.AdDate.com),
#312/A, 1st Main, 40th Cross, Jayanagar 8th Block, Bangalore – 560082
Phone: 080-2663 2211, 2654 3052

Samsung India Software Operation (Dept. AITG)

Samsung India Software Operation,
Bagmuni Tech Park,
Bangalore, INDIA

dWise Solution and services Pvt. Ltd.

dWise Solution and services Pvt. Ltd.,
No. 91, Nazara, 5th Main Road,
Domlur II Stage, Bangalore – 560 071,
Ph. No. – 91-80-42693111,
Website: www.dwisesolutions.com

NIIT Bagdogra (Shubh Laxmi Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)

NIIT Bagdogra (Shubh Laxmi Technologies Pvt. Ltd.),
NIIT Centre, Sebayan Complex, Station More, Bagdogra – 734014,
Dist: Derjeeling,
Tel: 0353 – 2550176/2005221/+91-9800000070
I worked under following guys at BANGALORE –
1. SONY INDIA PVT. LTD.(R&D) - From 3rd march, 2008 [ Sony India Software Centre, Software
Architecture Division, First Floor, East Wing, Maruthi Info Tech Centre, Koramangala Inner
Ring Road, Bangalore – 560071, INDIA ,Tel : 91-80-6624-7000, Fax: 91-80-6624 7250 ]
Project manager --> Kanchana gopinath
HR manager --> Asha bhandary
My EMP ID No: SARD0192
2. PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE CONSULTANT- From 16th August, 2008 [ #312/A, 1st Main, 40th Cross,
Jayanagar 8th Block, Bangalore – 560082, Phone: 080-2663 2211, 2654
3052 ]
Genaral manager --> Shisigiri Rao
3. SAMSUNG INDIA SOFTWARE OPERATION (R&D) - From 10th August 2009 [ Samsung India
Software Operation, Bagmuni Tech Park, Bangalore, INDIA ]
Project Manager --> Ranganathan
Project Manager --> Kiran kumar das
My EMP ID No: OS1522
4. DWISE SOLUTION - From 18th September, 2009
Project manager --> Joe Alexgender
CEO --> Riyad Rasheed
My EMP ID No: 0106
dWise Solution Company Details as following:
dWise Solution and services Pvt. Ltd., [ Riyad Rasheed using remote sensing technology for terrorism in INDIA ]
No. 91, Nazara, 5th Main Road,
Domlur II Stage, Bangalore 560 071,
Ph. No. 91-80-42693111,
Website: www.dwisesolutions.com
Riyad Rasheed(Confidential TERRORIST/ illegal Prostitution Business man) Harassment ISSUEs:
Ø 1 - Brain/Mind Mapping psychological bio-telemetry 24/7 Hours basis
Ø 2 - Fearful by psychological bio-telemetry 24/7 Hours basis
Ø 3 - Unable to sleep by psychological bio-telemetry 24/7 Hours basis
Ø 4 - Spoil personal Life and Career by psychological bio-telemetry 24/7 Hours basis
Ø 5 - Sexual Exciting by bio-telemetry by psychological bio-telemetry 24/7 Hours basis
Ø 6 - Stole personal online password data by REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING & Privacy (ATM Card
no., Online Account Password etc)
Ø 7 - Attempt to Murder Physically by Breaking Privacy, using paid person and monitoring them
REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING to make the matter very confidential.
Ø 8 - Harassment by psychological bio-telemetry 24/7 Hours basis
Ø 9 - Personality disorder by psychological bio-telemetry 24/7 Hours basis
Ø 10 - Break finance by pre-plan way through REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING
Ø 11 - Companies Prostitution Business from back side using REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING
Ø 12 - Black mail, Huge Fraud, Smuggling, Kidnapping, Confidential Corruption and Mental Disorder by psychological bio-telemetry 24/7 Hours basis very confidential communication remote monitoring.
Have Artistic DRAMA characteristic of INDIAN CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation - INDIA)

What is 2G spectrum?
- REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING – REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING signal Spectrum to send bio-telemetry to human to make them bio-logical ROBOT.
- Artificial Intelligence which make communication between human body and Machine through REMOTE SIGNAL SPECTRUM.
Why this information hidden front of all INDIA public?
- CRIMINAL ACTIVITY is happening by this technology very CONFIDENTIAL way as following

Ø Remote Brain Mapping
Ø Sexual Exciting & Eve teasing by bio-telemetry
Ø Break Privacy (ATM PIN, Password etc) of Human being
Ø Harassment by Bio-Telemetry
Ø Personality disorder by Bio-Telemetry
Ø Prostitution Business very confidential way by using this Technology.
Ø Black mail by bio-telemetry
Ø Huge Fraud by breaking Privacy of Human being
Ø Assassination
Ø Pre-planned Rape
Ø Robbery
Ø Kidnapping, Smuggling etc.
All above activity is very confidential in INDIA and is not coming under CRIMINAL Activity Law. INDIA is GREAT and most of INDIAN Administration guys are CORRUPTED without full aware about this Technology – because it is very tough to understand for those guys.

Who is the origin of this CRIMINAL Activity?
Pakistan TERRORIST Riyad Rasheed’s BLACK MONEY & his racket handling most of INDIAN Chip Intelligence guys (CORRUPTED).
AIEEE Report:
The following IEEE paper report showing the technical document of 2G technology:
This paper appears in: Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on
Issue Date: May 2005, Volume: 4 Issue:3, On page(s): 930 – 942, ISSN: 1536-1276, INSPEC Accession Number: 8593505, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TWC.2005.847088, Date of Current Version: 09 May 2005
Sponsored by: IEEE Communications Society IEEE Signal Processing Society, Abstract : (2G/3G) mobile networks - This paper shows that a neural network algorithm called the self-organizing map, together with a conventional
clustering method like the k-means, can effectively be used to simplify and focus network analysis.
Neural network algorithm – ‘REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING’ REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING – 2G Spectrum
GREAT VULNERABLE THING OF THIS TECHNOLOGY AS FOLLOWING Everyone Professional under REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING of Riyad Rasheed may be someone is your WIFE, SISTER, MOTHER so see they don’t have the privacy of their personal LIFE, This TECHNOLOGY is making too much intimacy to Employees Personal Life without their awareness is very very critical to Understand. And also just think what is the more VULNERABLE of this Technology SEXUAL Personal Life of those WOMEN don’t have Privacy, can make misbalance between any RELATION of WIFE and HUSBENT by Bio-telemetry - COLD WAR.
Brief Description about the concepts of REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING:
Human being balance on psychology and real life events which give Trust/faith to Human Being, Each and every time ask question to brain what have to do? Human brain always gives right answer to Human to take right step mean to do real life events. Human thinking is nothing but asking question to Human self-brain what/how/when/why. To get answer from brain require silence of Environment, else human take action according to real life event Watching & listening sound from current environment instantly without Ask question to self-brain. REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING concepts have come from Listen sound in auditory Cortex of Human Body to use it according to RBM machine bio-telemetry Controller.
Everything in human brain is flow as Electromagnetic Signal.
Ø Human Brain IMAGE/VIEW and LISTEN SOUND emit the Electromagnetic Signal Frequency 25 Hz and 15 Hz in Human Brain Area.
Ø Catch the Electromagnetic Signal of Human Brain and decode to machine understanding code and then convert to common language for understanding anyone. That is called break the PRIVACY of Human Being. This Technology is called BRAIN MAPPING. To make Biological ROBOT (HUMAN BODY) using REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING bio-telemetry communication.
Ø Human Tracking remotely by their unique Electromagnetic Field is Bio-Electromagnetic Field.
INDIA Country’s none of MINISTERs, IAS, IPS, PM, President can’t Control this machine (Without TECHNICAL guys – Some guys illegal way using this machine without informs INDIA Administration) but they have awareness only without full features of this TECHNOLOGY But they also under this machine. Then who is the main CRIMINAL doing this VULNERABLE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY in INDIA ENVIRONMENT VIOLATION?
Regards & Thanks,
Supratik Saha
Software Engineer and Electronics & Comm. Engg.
Email Id: supratik_slg@yahoo.co.in, rajib.bng@gmail.com
My Passport no: F8179064
My PAN Card No: BLYPS1089K
Mobile no: +91-9733023310
Ex-Software Employee of SONY, AdDate(PSC), SAMSUNG, dWise Solution -
My Permanent Address as following –
To, Supratik saha,
C/O - Subal ch.saha, Sukantanagar(North),
P.O.-Rabindra sarani, Dist - Jalpaiguri,
Siliguri, Pin-734006,
West Bengal, INDIA.
How Pakistan TERRORIST Riyad Rasheed (CEO of dWise Solution, Bangalore) is creating Terrorist & Confidential Prostitute (RACKET) through REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING – REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING in India and doing all confidential vulnerable criminal activity/Terrorism/ Prostitution Business in INDIA and hiding himself front of all India public?
Ø Riyad Rasheed is tracking guys through REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING and first send psychological bio-telemetry to the tracked Human Body to break their trust/self-confidence on INDIA Administration that everyone of INDIA Administration is PAKISTAN ISI TERRORIST (Like our President, PM etc). So tracked human body become fearful that none of INDIA Administration will take any step against of PAKISTAN Terrorist Riyad Rasheed who is staying in INDIA and he is doing all Confidential CRIMINAL activity. He track the guys every communication medium very confidential way like mobile, E-Mail Id, their each and every movement; so it make the mental disorder of tracked human body and also through psychological bio-telemetry 24/7 hours basis. If those tracked Human Body try to tell this matter to other, they do not trust it or don’t aware about this technology. So this type INDIA environment profit is utilized by Riyad Rasheed to create TERRORIST/ Prostitute through psychological bio-telemetry provoking, threat, harassment 24/7 hours basis.
Ø Pakistan TERRORIST Riyad Rasheed spread/broadcast bio-telemetry rumors/ threat to the tracked Human Body 24/7 hours that don’t try to go against of him; think about your familial, relatives etc – mean they will be in trouble if you take step against of him. So it is confidential bio-telemetry threat to make fearful through directed Electromagnetic Psychotronic Weapons “REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING Bio-Telemetry”; so his CRIMINAL Activity matter do not disclose & he direct all vulnerable CRIMINAL activity in INDIA from long distance to hide himself.
Ø REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING (NEURAL NETWORK – REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING) main feature is using Human Body like Biological ROBOT and can control those track Human Body from long distance through psychological ‘provoking/ threat/ harassment brain washing’ bio-telemetry. Pakistan Terrorist Riyad Rasheed is using this technology to create Terrorist/ Prostitute (racket) and making all TERRORISM/ violation worldwide. He direct/control his Terrorist team (racket) from long distance through this REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGY (RADAR). He makes conspiracy to spoil reputation of other companies/persons by his team members (racket) who are not aware about this technology. This thing is nothing but rumors broadcast through bio-telemetry.
Ø REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING Track Human Body 24/7 hours harassing through psychological ‘provoking/ threat/ harassment brain washing’ bio-telemetry. It is not a mental disorder/ meningitis/ hallucination/ mad or psycho. It is psychological disorder of tracked Human Body by REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING psychological ‘provoking/ threat/ harassment brain washing’ bio-telemetry 24/7 hours basis.
Ø Pakistan TERRORIST Riyad Rasheed is main directorate of all TERRORIST teams (racket)
In INDIA; All TERRORIST team (racket) members are directorate under his NURAL MONITORING TERRORIST Network mean REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING tracking and his TERRORIST team members (racket) all communication medium like mobile, Internet all types account, Brain Wave (Human Body bio-electromagnetic field) etc 24/7 hours monitoring by him to hide himself. Riyad Rasheed is a great threat for INDIA to spoil reputation of international ANTI-TERRORISM relationship near future, like now relationship with PAKISTAN and USA (PAKISTAN supports TERRORISM activity which has spoiled international ANTI-TERRORISM relationship with USA and other countries).
Ø Pakistan TERRORIST Riyad Rasheed is monitoring his REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING tracked Human Body’s all movement, activity, action is taking, thought, idea etc 24/7 hours basis by breaking their internal privacy (Decode the tracked Human Body’s Brain Wave from long distance – So it’s become very very confidential & HIDDEN) in INDIA. So his CRIMINAL activity report is spoiling at grassroots/ origin level and is not reaching to higher administration in INDIA or is not going to publish WORLDWIDE to take necessary action against of him. So his all TERRORIST team members loss trust on INDIA administration and he is able to control his TERRORIST team members to make violation/ vulnerable criminal activity in INDIA and WORLDWIDE through his TERRORIST team members – he watch/monitor/direct the game from long distance using psychological ‘provoking/ threat/ harassment brain washing’ bio-telemetry of REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING (Pakistan TERRORIST Riyad Rasheed’s NURAL NETWORK SPECTRUM which track specific Human Body’s Bio-Electromagnetic field to break their privacy through decode their Brain Wave from long distance).
Ø Pakistan TERRORIST Riyad Rasheed (CEO of dWise Solution, Bangalore) is main directorate of TERRORIST/Confidential Prostitute racket in INDIA which is going to spoil International ANTI-TERRORISM relationship with others countries using REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING /REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING – REMOTE SENSINSING TECHNOLOGY NEURAL NETWORK for confidential communication to direct/control his TERRORIST team members like BIOLOGICAL ROBOT (his REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING tracked Human Body), and his all CRIMINAL activity become very very confidential and HIDDEN front of all.
Ø Pakistan TERRORIST Riyad Rasheed is not working alone in INDIA to create TERRORIST (racket); He is working with another PAKISTAN Terrorist MASTER MIND in INDIA Kanchana Gopinath (Manager of Sony India Pvt. Ltd. SARD Dept.) to create TERRORIST/ Sleeping module Pre-Plan way using REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING/ REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING in INDIA.
Ø Pakistan TERRORIST Riyad Rasheed is making FATE / Financial support of his all tracked Human Body in INDIA through REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING & his paid racket members spread over all INDIA Pre-Plan way, And this matter is imagination/ unbelievable front of all INDIA Public because this TECHNOLOGY is very very critical for understanding and analysis without knowledge of REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGY; And this TECHNOLOGY all features never published in INDIA through any media. Indian citizen Pakistan TERRORIST is spoiling INDIAN very confidential way; India Govt. is not taking any step against of PAKISTAN TERRORIST Riyad Rasheed using REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING.
Supratik Saha
Software Engineer and Electronics & Comm. Engg.
How internal privacy of overall India/Indian breaking remotely by Pakistan TERRORIST Indian citizenship Riyad Rasheed (CEO of dWise Solution, Bangalore - Directorate of SIMI Terrorist Group in INDIA) using REMOTE BRAIN MAPPING to make all confidential vulnerable criminal activity in INDIA ?

Currently Employee of Eyeglobal technologies and Deployeed at client side EPFO (Siliguri, Bhavishyanidhi Bhawan, Hill Cart Road, P.O. Pradhan Nagar, Distt. Darjeeling -734 003 (WB))

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